"The Effort And Determination Of A Few Have Led To A Lifetime Of Hope For Many"

Evadeen Coleman
Coleman Tri-County Services



Our History

Privacy Policy

Visually Impaired Program

Early Intervention

Developmental Checklist

Developmental Training

Vocational Services

Vocational Development Program

Regular Work Program

Supported Employment

Job Placement


6-Bed CILA


Contact Information

Coleman Tri-County Services

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Welcome to Coleman Tri-County Services on the World Wide Web. We hope you will find the contents we have placed here informative and invite you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have.

Please feel free to click on the topics listed on the left that you may be interested in or use the directional buttons on the bottom to move through each of our pages.

Agency Description

Coleman Tri-County Services is a community based not-for-profit agency offering in-home intervention screenings and services to children below the age of three; vocational/prevocational services and programming, support and/or supervised living services, and psychosocial rehabilitation services to adults.

Agency sites are maintained in Saline, Gallatin and White counties in Illinois.

The agency maintains a professional staff consisting of a Behavioral Specialist, Qualified Mental Retardation Professionals, Illinois certified teachers, Illinois Registered and Licensed Practical Nurses, certified Vocational Evaluator and veteran staff with 20 or more years of service with Coleman Tri-County Services.

Agency Mission Statement

Coleman Tri-County Services provides developmental training, social habilitation, and rehabilitation services primarily to the citizens of Gallatin, Saline, and White Counties, Illinois, in order that they may function in the least restrictive environment.

Agency Admission Criteria

* Must be a resident of counties served.
*Current medical report on file.
*Consumer's willingness to participate in the program.
*Identifiable disablities based upon medical, psychological and/or psychiatric evaluation.

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Coleman Tri-County Services

© 2002 Coleman Tri-County Services, All Rights Reserved

Please contact our website if you encounter difficulties or have comments about our website.